Service Interface designer is an integrated part of the design tool with graphical user interface, which visualizes service type, the methods, attributes and constants of the servicing object. The designed document helps every architect and developer to explore the available API of the service. The designed document is a part of the build process and used by code generators to generate servicing base objects.
Component design is an integrated part of the design tool with graphical user interface, which visualizes the list of provided or used services. Component is the container of service. A component can provide one or more services, and use one or more services.
Subsystem design is an integrated part of the design tool with graphical user interface, which visualizes the list of threads and containing components.
State-machine design is an integrated part of the design tool with graphical user interface, which visualizes states, substates, methods and transitions to switch states. This can be used to create a finite state-machine, a decision tree or workflow. The designed document is a part of the build process and used by code generators to generate the business logic of state-machine.
Model design is an integrated part of the design tool with graphical user interface, which visualizes the complete list of subsystems, components and services. Each model defines a single compiled binary -- either shared library or executable.
Log Viewer
AREG IoT SDK contains an integrated logging module to trace the logs to file system or remote logging service. The device should have enough space if logging to file is selected. Otherwise, all logs can be sent to a remote service, which can run on a higher class machine. The logging module allows logs dynamically to switch on or off. Each logging message is related with a scope, which can be dynamically activated or deactivated. It is possible to log only certain scopes or certain priorities of logs.